Watercolor painting of a Labrador Retriever
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In My Studio This Week – Transitions

In my studio this week, I am in a state of transition. I am in the midst of packing up to head north for the summer. I’m bringing all of the paintings in my “Wine, Women, and Song” series for potential display at a winery in Walla Walla, Washington. I did work more on those…

In the Studio This Week – Distractions and Some Mixed Media Work
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In the Studio This Week – Distractions and Some Mixed Media Work

In the studio this week is a misnomer. I wasn’t in the studio very much at all due to the New Year’s distractions. I did start the second painting with Mark Making from the Mastery Program. I also managed to play a little with watercolor and painted an owl. Mixed Media Piece I started another…

In the Studio This Week – Christmas Gift-Giving and a Little Art
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In the Studio This Week – Christmas Gift-Giving and a Little Art

In the studio this week, I tried to squeeze a little art in but mainly focused on spending time with family. I spent nearly one whole day going full on “Suzy Homemaker” mode in the kitchen and baking up sweets for the weekend. I don’t bake much anymore, and I could tell I was out…

Self-Portrait of the author
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In the Studio This Week – Harsh Reality!

In the studio this week I was faced with harsh reality – doing a self-portrait! Although I’ve done several portraits in the past, including some whimsical ones of me, I had never really done any that were focused on painting me exactly as I look – no makeup or “airbrushing” the flaws. Facial Features The…

In the Studio This Week – Alla Prima Limited Palettes and a Cute Sketch
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In the Studio This Week – Alla Prima Limited Palettes and a Cute Sketch

In the studio this week, I amazed myself with “completing” three Alla Prima limited palette paintings and a sketch from the Kaleidoscope 2023 course. I was amazed because it was Thanksgiving holiday, I had company for a few days, and didn’t feel well for a good part of the time. The Alla Prima painting concept…

Abstract painting using acrylic paint and inks
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In the Studio This Week – Flashback to the 60s and Dustin Hoffman

Time in the studio this week was limited as I was away from the studio for two days and felt like I lost my motivation a bit. I am behind in the Master Program by about a week and a half, leaving me feeling a little anxious. Thanksgiving in the US is coming up as…

In The Studio This Week – Birds and Doodles
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In The Studio This Week – Birds and Doodles

In the studio this week, I continued with The Mastery Program lessons. This week’s module focused on mark making on a variety of surfaces. I chose two different birds as reference photos for two of the projects. I seem to be drawn (pun intended) to birds. The last lesson was a large-scale doodle. I was…

In the Studio This Week – Small-Scale Realism and a Rainbow Pegasus
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In the Studio This Week – Small-Scale Realism and a Rainbow Pegasus

Time in the studio this week was limited, but I tried to finish the Milan Art Institute Section and have some fun with art as well. I spent too much time in car dealerships and then ended up being ill for a few days, something I certainly couldn’t afford at the time. I will be…

In the Studio This Week – Portraits and Learning How to Drive (Again)
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In the Studio This Week – Portraits and Learning How to Drive (Again)

In the studio this week, I was focused on a couple of portraits, but also distracted by trying to resolve my traffic citation from the accident I was in nearly three weeks ago. I decided to take the Defensive Driving course and that way the wreck wouldn’t show up against my driving record. It was…