Artist and Creativity Coach A photo of the artist against the backdrop of Sedona, Arizona

Passion Statement

I am an artist and creativity coach who believes everyone has an innate creative side. In many cases, that creativity has been squelched by society, expectaations, perfectionism, and our own inner critic. Creativity has healing properties that allow people to put into words, or song, or music, or pictures what perhaps they can’t express otherwise. My desire is to be your biggest fan through this creative journey called life.

Early Years

I have always been an artist. Growing up, I was the one kid in the family who caused the most trouble. I was highly imaginative and started my art “career” by scribbling what my parents called “horrible-eyed creatures” all over the walls. My parents did their best to find ways to let me practice my passion without destroying the house. My mom was even able to talk the local butcher out of butcher paper so I would have something to draw on. When that ran out, I would draw on used envelopes and doodle on any area of white paper I could find! I took the traditional elective art classes in high school and college but chafed at the rules. 

Photo of the artist in her early years

Young Adult Life

I married relatively young and the responsibility of raising children coupled with little support from my husbands led to many years where art took a back burner if it even existed at all. I did try to find ways to still be creative – creating and sewing Halloween costumes, making unique birthday cakes, designing t-shirts, and painting store windows at Christmastime. I always told myself I would be able to devote time to art when I retired. 

Photo of the artist

How I Became an Artist and Creatvity Coach

Fast forward many years and am remarried (happily).  I found myself five years into retirement and recognized I had not done any art at all! That was a wake-up call for me and since then I have been trying to make up for lost time. I’m lucky enough to enjoy the life of a snowv=bird and live half thee year in Arizona and half in Washington State. I have a studio in both locations and am inspired by the different scenery.

I continue to learn and explore art through online learning and in-person workshops. She has studied intensively under Robin Damore, a noted member of the Portrait Society of America. She is driven by her desire to engage others in art as a form of healing. She teaches mixed-media, collage, and epoxy resin techniques in various locations in the Pacific Northwest. Kerry is a current student of the year-long Mastery Program at the Milan Art Institute and has grown her skills exponentially.

Reach out to me if you are interested in having me coach you or to purchase any of my artwork. Click on the “Contact Me”button above and it will take link to my information.

Join me on a journey of creativity and learning to let go and express your joys, sorrows, desires, and regrets through daily (or at least frequent) creative practices. Let me be your cheerleader!

Self-Portrait of the author

If you are interested in tools to unlock your creativity, please sign up for my confidence-building journal below: