The Vagabond Artist Needs Your Advice and Free Art Retreat Information
The Vagabond Artist, as I like to call myself when I’m on the road, finished the two paintings I’ve been working on the last few weeks. I showed them to the woman who is curating my show at Plumb Cellars, and she is interested in adding them to the display.
I am looking for your advice on what to paint next and I have some ideas to share and see what you think. Please comment if you are drawn to one in particular.
Lastly, I wanted to share information on the upcoming FREE Art Soul Gathering Retreat starting August 29th and going for 12 days!
Next Series
I’m thinking of moving away from the “Wine, Women, and Song” series of paintings and going in a different but somewhat related direction. One series I’m considering is focusing more on couples, sharing the joy of everyday life, or maybe dancing. Something like the following sources:
Another route I’m considering is more along the line of fantasy – paintings of druids, fairies, and crones. Here are some examples of what I’m thinking about:
I’m limited in just how large I can go with a canvas right now. Please give me your feedback as to what direction you think I should follow.
FREE Art and Soul Art Retreat
Ida Anderson Lang is generously offering a free online retreat featuring many arttists I follow. The retreat starts August 29th and will last twelve days. You don’t have to do all the sessions and you can pick and choose what resonates with you. For me, I have attended classes with eight of the featured artists, so I may opt to do a class with a new artist. The individual classes don’t typically last long and usually replays are made available. All levels of artists are encouraged to participate.
Here’s the signup link. I’d love to see what you create.
I look forward to your advice on where to go next with this creative journey. I hope you can take advantage of the free online retreat as it’s an excellent opportunity to explore new techniques and inspiration.
Until next week, thank you again for being here.